
My Covid and post covid experience.: My Yog Journal

       October 2nd week, After 7 days of self-isolation followed by LFT, out of the blue in midnight, I felt someone is chocking my throat. It was severed throat pain from inside, I rushed to bathroom and to my surprise I spit blood. It was scary. I was clueless for how to respond to this experience for a while. Till this time I didn’t had cough, cold or temperature in past few days, in fact I thought I was asymptotic. However seeing blood in my sputum was scary but other than that, I was fit and fine, so I considered it as covid symptoms and took it easy. Next day it was bit ok in morning, But after couple of phone calls (thanks to my family and friends they were checking on me), I started frequent blood. Every 15-20 minutes I was spitting, and there was blood in my sputum. I stopped talking. I was bit scared inside. I called 111 but because of Saturday afternoon, they took time in reply. I had to call again after few hours as now I was spitting blood in every 15-20...

Life journey.

When I was a child, I was scared of darkness and strangers. I used to afraid of ghost, I struggled to find things and used to shout or became anxious and impatience. With time, I learnt when there is a dark, switch on the light.  I have learnt an art how to smile at strangers and make friendship. I have learnt that Ghost is in mind, also becoming impatience is not the solution and now easily i find the stuff. All these took years, with fully developed mind (brain cells) & experiences many things are not same so neither me. So in my journey, I know One day I will reach to the highest possible level and so everyone will too. I am accepting everyone's ignorance same as mine.  I am at peace. I am strong. every moment, I am growing, growing and growing. During cyclone, wind or storm, I might shake, I might shiver but I know all these are like dark tunnel. at the end of the tunnel, there is light, bright light and I welcome that light inside me.  we all are walking towards ...

Mood and Commitments

  There are many situations in life where you cannot act on your mood. For example, if you’re in a plane and suddenly you feel you don’t want to continue the journey, though your mood has changed halfway you cannot get out of the plane! You've got to be there. It’s not a car that you’re driving where you can turn back. Even for the car you have to find the exit where you can turn back. You can’t turn anywhere. So, life teaches you hard lessons if you don’t respect wisdom. Know that life goes with commitment, not moods. Moods are very unstable. They come, they change. But commitment and wisdom always bring the best results. -Sri Sri Ravishankar

We are what we practice.

When we practice Love, we don’t hate anyone. We learn to accept the differences. When we practice Forgiveness, we don’t judge anyone. We learn to accept ignorance. When we practice Inner strength, we see great possibilities in every soul. we admire values in everyone. When we practice Gratitude, we value our memory. We remind only good experiences. When we practice Smile, we accept pain and misery. We consider every situation is God’s gift. When we practice Joy, we value our present moment. We focus more what is in our hand. When we practice Compassion, we value even smallest form of life. We see the divine in everyone. When we practice Curiosity, we value our imagination. We enjoy and learn like a child.                                                                    ...

Little story of nurturing 'Giving back to Society' in BG kids.

 Inspired from last year SEWA contribution by doing Gardening with me, this year Jina wanted to reach the same amount or more (because of house shifting, we could not start gardening earlier). So we thought of conducting an Art workshop Instead. she happily helped so much for conducting Art workshop with me on her Birthday. We were so proud when she kept telling all her friends here, please don’t bring gifts but donate instead to First day Children’s charity. Kids are so innocent and Big heart too I realised that day. They try their level best when they learn to be happy in other’s happiness. That day I realised; she is proudly shifted from ‘Enjoy to Joy’ on her special day. After our Art workshop she asked me about how much we collected this time? I said, £60 approx. She was eager to raise more money and we were waiting for another workshop. She started insisting me again last week when I said we already reached target and can’t accommodate all BG kids at home too. She was not con...

Simple life thoughts

 1) Which negativity in mind for anything or anyone, we can't lead a positive life. 2) Spirituality means realisation of own habit of behaviour pattern which is hurting for near and dear ones. atleast simple and consistent efforts for improving in such habit means spiritual life. Gradually transformation happens within first and then outside situations and people's reactions or respons towards us. 3) our outside world or situation is 90% of the time, reflection of our own thought patterns. 10% it is exam to improve within. when we take responsibility of 90%, life becomes very easy.