This Sunday we Started preaching Samayik and Pratikraman to my 7 years old daughter in traditional way. While preaching her or while I had dialogue with my mother in law, I was constantly thinking, we should spread this message for more parents and kids. I am trying here to be as general as possible as a process of 'Shaping Mind Sofware' from as early childhood is a need. Old Ancient Jain technique to shape up mind software for ‘Right Belief, Right Knowledge, Right Conduct’. I will address questions and answers with Jina here. I will address my mother-in-law here as her Guru. Kid: What is Samayik and Pratikraman? Guru: Do we hurt someone? Knowingly or unknowingly? Kid: Yes Guru: So then what do we feel or have to say...
At temple BG Baudhik, was explaining kids, how to think when someone upsets you? When we feel unhappy or upset that is mainly because of our lack of knowledge. cleaning mind is nothing but an habit of Introspect, habit of thinking right. going to light from darkness. Thinking like My ego is giving me pain? My attachment to something is giving me pain? What wrong did I do? Understand the person, understand the situation. that process is like cleaning your mind. Decorate your mind with beautiful memories. bin the upsetting or unhappy moments and be friendly with everyone. It is like when we spill juice accidentally, we clean it immediately. similarly make a habit of cleaning your mind as soon as possible when you realize you are upset or unhappy. Our soul's quality is to be happy, at peace. Some darkness cover our happiness or peace state and we feel upset. Immediate cleaning is possible through introspection. Introspection is is important to keep mind beautiful. To be happy and to ...
When I was a child, I was scared of darkness and strangers. I used to afraid of ghost, I struggled to find things and used to shout or became anxious and impatience. With time, I learnt when there is a dark, switch on the light. I have learnt an art how to smile at strangers and make friendship. I have learnt that Ghost is in mind, also becoming impatience is not the solution and now easily i find the stuff. All these took years, with fully developed mind (brain cells) & experiences many things are not same so neither me. So in my journey, I know One day I will reach to the highest possible level and so everyone will too. I am accepting everyone's ignorance same as mine. I am at peace. I am strong. every moment, I am growing, growing and growing. During cyclone, wind or storm, I might shake, I might shiver but I know all these are like dark tunnel. at the end of the tunnel, there is light, bright light and I welcome that light inside me. we all are walking towards ...
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