When I shift from buying a house to shifting from this house. Many things changed within.

We bought a house. Generally we all feel joy, happiness associated with it and we do celebrate such occasion too. But this time when someone asked me, when are you shifting? Something changed within. The whole house moment process took me to another level of my thinking.

It always sounds exciting and like everyone’s dream it was our dream too to have a house with decent space for small Derasar (the place we worship). But surprisingly in this whole process I am becoming more soul conscious then before. That buying a house we spent so much time, energy. From valuation to solicitor's questions and then bank approval, too much of work. Infect team work when we actually wants to feel it as a home.

In this whole process since couple of months, this time I was constantly thinking that ‘what about the moment when I will shift from this body. Will I get this much of time to be aware of bank (universal power’s ) approval to get good, better house (body, parents, education) then this existing body to reach to my highest goal to be liberated from all karmic bondage? Where can I actually experience infinite joy, happiness, bliss? in another way, when will I experience the joy of creating more space in my heart for everyone?

We all educate our self for earning money, plan valuation as well mortgage for our dream. But what to do for the valuation for better life in next birth? How will I get that approval from universal power? Why can’t I use this birth to reach to highest goal? What karmic bondage is stopping me to experience more room in my heart?

When I know life is very simple, the seed I am planting today, will grow tomorrow and I will reap those fruits. Then why I am not generous sometimes to plant the best quality thoughts? Best quality feelings? My real asset is my energy field I am constantly carryings with me and making it stronger and healthier. That is the eligibility I can work upon. I hope this house moment will turn as a most awakening experience for me.

Also, when we think about security, I was constantly thinking how to have some security camera to scan my mind and thoughts every time. Which are the loop holes from where some thieves comes silently and steal my peace, joy, happiness? How can I protect my soul from such negative feelings? What about security of my inner feelings? Inner power? May Lord Mahavir, Sri Adinath bless us to be aware of our single thoughts, words and action to achieve more space in our heart.

I am sharing this experience and feelings to share my joy at the same time my deep feelings associated with this house moving process. Now my goal is to be more conscious about my every single thought and feeling I will earn now will be my real asset.


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