Little story of nurturing 'Giving back to Society' in BG kids.

 Inspired from last year SEWA contribution by doing Gardening with me, this year Jina wanted to reach the same amount or more (because of house shifting, we could not start gardening earlier). So we thought of conducting an Art workshop Instead. she happily helped so much for conducting Art workshop with me on her Birthday. We were so proud when she kept telling all her friends here, please don’t bring gifts but donate instead to First day Children’s charity. Kids are so innocent and Big heart too I realised that day. They try their level best when they learn to be happy in other’s happiness. That day I realised; she is proudly shifted from ‘Enjoy to Joy’ on her special day.

After our Art workshop she asked me about how much we collected this time? I said, £60 approx. She was eager to raise more money and we were waiting for another workshop. She started insisting me again last week when I said we already reached target and can’t accommodate all BG kids at home too. She was not convinced. I tried explaining her that lets plan something for next time. 

But somehow, she was not satisfied and last week she came up with an idea of selling 3D- Hexaflexagon. Different patterns and themes like food chain, life cycle, wonderful patterns etc on it as a ‘SCIENCE TOY’. I took it lightly and said ‘yes, good idea’ while doing something. Then I was aware she started making many Hexaflexagon last weekend. Of course Viraj joined her too. With bit of sibling fight for colours and patterns I even scolded them for keeping it here and there and gave her one Jar to collect it. 

To my surprise when day before yesterday she proudly gave me her income for First Days Children's Charity contribution, we were in mixed emotions. She even told me, Its creativity on just small piece of paper and so much fun everyone had in her class. Easy recycle and no harm to environment. Thanks so much to SEWA team for organising it. For giving kids an opportunity to grow within and start their journey of Joy and giving back to society. 😊Dhanyawad

Note: She sold around 25 3D Hexaflexagon in her class. I couldn't take picture of her creativity as she proudly handed me her income after selling it. (She acted so fast for her mission) But her facial expressions that time, my eyes has captured it for life time. :)


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