How to develop Effective communication skill in toddlers/kids?
Do you think ‘Effective communication we need only in corporate or in business?’ It is crucial in personal as well as professional relationship. It is very important to nurture it in kids since baby age. I believe, we enjoy so much when our kids start speaking few words. Their initial few words ‘ba, ma, da’ is precious moments, eventually they start speaking words and then sentences but what our responsibilities as a parent is to guide them or to help them for effective communication. What to do for that? Our response matters. I am sharing 2 recent incidents/case study which shows how they become effective in communication. It is simple Help them understand others Help them analyse the situation. We are so busy in our thoughts or in our conversation with someone sometime we miss important response which eventually shape our kids minds to think in a right ways. Case study 1: My 3 year old son was wearing colorful dinosaur trouser,...