
Showing posts from October, 2019

Power of thoughts analogy with colors for kids

Milan was explaining to Jina that always make positive affirmations. why are you doubting? Just try with feeling 'yes, I can do it' . Jina argued: I am trying but i feel that i can not do it. Milan was explaining to her, thinking right helps a lot and it is important. she said? How? I am trying that is more important. does it matter what I think? it doesn't. So, I explained, It is something you are making a beautiful art. you are putting your heart and then you pour black color on it (which is your wrong thoughts) So, how the picture will look like even after trying and making nice craft? Your thoughts will either give finishing touch, shine to your art or will make it ugly and black. That black color is thinking 'i can not do it'. even after trying hard, your thoughts will cover your efforts. she understood very well. yes, thinking right helps. How to paint our picture (our life picture is in our hand) what thoughts are we choosing is our choice of colors for ou...

Keeping mind beautiful

At temple BG Baudhik, was explaining kids, how to think when someone upsets you? When we feel unhappy or upset that is mainly because of our lack of knowledge. cleaning mind is nothing but an habit of Introspect, habit of thinking right. going to light from darkness. Thinking like My ego is giving me pain? My attachment to something is giving me pain? What wrong did I do? Understand the person, understand the situation. that process is like cleaning your mind. Decorate your mind with beautiful memories. bin the upsetting or unhappy moments and be friendly with everyone. It is like when we spill juice accidentally, we clean it immediately. similarly make a habit of cleaning your mind as soon as possible when you realize you are upset or unhappy. Our soul's quality is to be happy, at peace. Some darkness cover our happiness or peace state and we feel upset. Immediate cleaning is possible through introspection. Introspection is is important to keep mind beautiful. To be happy and to ...