Power of thoughts analogy with colors for kids

Milan was explaining to Jina that always make positive affirmations. why are you doubting?
Just try with feeling 'yes, I can do it' .
Jina argued: I am trying but i feel that i can not do it.
Milan was explaining to her, thinking right helps a lot and it is important.
she said? How? I am trying that is more important. does it matter what I think? it doesn't.

So, I explained,
It is something you are making a beautiful art. you are putting your heart and then you pour black color on it (which is your wrong thoughts)

So, how the picture will look like even after trying and making nice craft?
Your thoughts will either give finishing touch, shine to your art or will make it ugly and black.

That black color is thinking 'i can not do it'. even after trying hard, your thoughts will cover your efforts.
she understood very well. yes, thinking right helps.

How to paint our picture (our life picture is in our hand) what thoughts are we choosing is our choice of colors for our painting.

Om Shanti


  1. Sandhya's message: Hi Hiral. Hope your day went well. Your blog is excellent. Saanvi liked the analogy with colors. I am unable to leave a comment on the blog.

    My reply to her : thanks Sandhya, I am really happy to know Shanvi like it. one recent incident happened, we were going to Rivermead and we were late. I told, i doubt we will get parking or not? and Jina told, why are you doubting mummy? doubt means you are pouring black color on our efforts of getting ready and going there. we will surely get the parking. I took 2 rounds as parking was full, she kept on telling me, mummy we will get parking. don't doubt, you told me remember? might be someone go back and we may get space, you never know, after a while we got parking and she said, see I told you that we will get parking. but yes, next time we will come on time so can have more fun.


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