My Experience with Shakha and now contributing to eVidyalay


Respected Samiti Bhaginis,

Pranam ๐Ÿ™

I can’t say enough thank you for being part of Samiti since I came to know about BG and Shakha.

We were new to Reading and I met Niruben at Palmer Park around Sep/Oct-2015 for the first time.

I still remember, My 4-year-old daughter happily came to me saying someone is speaking same English as we speak at home mummy. The joy was in her words brought sparks in my eyes as I was desperate to talk to someone.

Happily, I went to that girl with my daughter. Her name was Maya. Was speaking English accent Gujarati and she was so sweet. I asked her, where is your mum? She pointed her finger towards group of ladies sitting far away like enjoying picnic.

It was a formal talk being a Gujarati as she was with her sisters and had least interest to even talk to stranger. However, she was kind and suggested me BG for kids at Hindu Temple.  

Then once I came to BG and was over excited seeing kids playing in a main hall, however I was unable to run with Jina and thought to wait for few months.  I was not aware about Samiti or ladies’ group that time.

Meanwhile for school, we relocated from town. Now Hindu temple was far away, and I didn’t know driving. I had such a nice memory when I visited BG first time and really wanted to come and contribute too. Joy on kids face bring smiles on my face always. Volunteers were so kind and engaged with kids. So , I decided to start visiting BG once Viraj was 6 months. I was feeling like isolated being a stay-at-home mum and only source of interaction was children center.

I used to come by two bus. It was tough. If incase I missed the bus then many a times I came by taxi. Manojbhai , Rakhee, Bhairviben used to kindly offer me lift back home after BG couple of times. ‘Thanks’, is a very small words to express my gratitude.

My all-time favorite activity was making educational videos for eVidyalay till we moved to Reading during career break.

As being a child, we all have a ‘wish list’ and I had one to build a school or contribute into Education field. Seeing YouTube, I just grabbed that opportunity. But with kids, recording etc was more challenging. So, career and charity work both were on hold again. I really wanted to contribute to BG as that time I was volunteering to library and children centers. I happily joined BG as a karyakarta from Jan-2020. In few months lockdown announced and lifestyle started changing gradually. Most of the activities moved to virtual world and education was not behind.

Surprisingly my initiative about virtual school for grass root level, keeping in mind quality education in native language, especially for single teacher school, govt schools etc. started using my material online.

Gradually I was more occupied with my commitment with eVidyalay. As now we are working with team of teachers and my material is useful for 2500+ students through Atul Foundation in Gujarat. Thousands of unknown subscribers and visitors were motivation till this time but during pandemic it was immense joy to see kids were studying from my videos. Now project plan is in shape gradually. I can’t step back inspite my wish to continue samiti, I am unable to spare more time as now back to IT too.

I am really missing you all so much. so many sweet memories with you all. I leant and enjoyed Hindu philosophy in detail through Shakha Bahidhik. which I never knew before being Jain. Just wanted to share my feelings and love for you all, at the same time my limitation and priority for sewa work I already started in 2011. 

Seva hai yagya kunda samidha sam ham jale Dhyeya mahasagar me sarita roep ham mile Loka yogakshema hi rashtra abhay gana hai Sevarata vyakti vyakti karya ka hi prana hai ||ref|| 

Keep in touch,






  1. That was a heartfelt blog full with your actual SEWA / dedication towards people. Your journey is very inspiring . Thank you for sharing.


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