How to set daily routine or good habits in kids?

It was a normal morning. We were kept telling our daughter to have a bath. she was like a normal child behave, Either was not listening or ignoring or arguing. Obviously, morning routine and children's argument is something make us disturb or stress for rest of the day. So now gradually we were losing our patience.

I took a pause and thought came in my mind.
I said calmly and firmly, Jina is so good, she woke up early today. I am sure she will be a good human being. My positive affirmation was enough to sooth her argumentative mood that time. I caught the opportunity; can you please explain how can you become a good human darling?
She was still upset and carelessly said ‘I don’t know’. So I told her, ‘it’s simple’.
Good habits make us a good person.

Waking up early in morning, getting ready on time, taking bath daily, meditation for 5 minutes after bath etc are good habits. Isn’t it Jina? I made an eye contact during this very important conversation.

It was magical. Just after repeating this conversation once more, she became responsible to develop good habits. Her life goal started driving her now.
However, she asked again with off mood, is it important to have a bath mummy? I said, ‘Yes, Beta(that’s how we address our kids in Gujarati) Bath and meditation considers a good habits and good habits can only make us good human’. There is no alternative.

My affirmative conversation worked. She had a bath; she had a meditation before school and she was on time.

A normal stressed morning transformed into a happy morning for all of us.


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