Future: Personalised Education

My 4 year boy today morning in conversation with his daddy.

Daddy to V: ‘practice makes men perfect’.

V to Daddy: Then what makes women perfect?

It sounds funny, and we laughed.

But Mother in me, Teacher in me couldn’t stop my self, analysing his way of paying attention to what he listen.

My observation was:

He is spontaneous,

He is confident,

He is quick in counter-questioning. 

He is brilliant at this age


He pays attention to actual details? NO. he pays attention to literal meaning.

Curiosity is different then counter-questioning. There is thin line.

Maybe with time, when kids learn to pay attention to meaning of the phrase, they get the real idea behind such saying. Can we actually teach them? Is exam or remembering details can teach that?

My mind swings to some real-life examples where in few of them struggle with wisdom vs knowledge.

Exactly the scenario above maybe even after they are an adult. 

They struggle learning to get the essence of what they are learning. Or they don’t know how to co-relate theory into practice or how to unlearn some information when the need to free space to feed the new data.

Anyway, It was morning routine and I didn’t wanted to go into philosophy of learning, However I couldn't stop thinking challenges in education and how can we solve that? Educationalist in me, mother in me, child in me was curious and was thinking how Technology can solve this?

Last year I learnt Machine Learning and AI basics (out of curiosity), My mind asked how technology can solve this monotonous way of education? Smart room is not transformation of education. What about personalized education?

Online class room because of Covid is in trend, can it actually help? Data shows its so boring for many kids. Then what triggers to enjoy learning? Interaction with friends? face to face learning? There are huge number of students drop-off rates even before Covid.

Understanding of brain? Can every teacher or parent do this? No.

Can Technology help us in personalized education depending upon child’s need?

Wow, Wonderful day start with ‘Scott Bolland’s speech on Ted’.


  1. There should be some way of interaction. Not merely a video . Khan academy has done it.


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