When someone misbehave in an emotional conflict.


When someone misbehave in an emotional conflict.

First of all understand why do we misbehave?

We all misbehave at some point of time. less or more is not a questions but we should try and understand our pattern about why and when do we misbehave?

1. emotional pain => root cause is any form of negative feeling (fear, jealousy, sadness, loneliness, 

2. when another person is not getting or doing as per our expectations.

our reactions are:



or anxiety.

Think, How do we feel if someone gives back anger, frustration or anxiety when we are already in emotional pain?

Now let's check your own life. go to your childhood's special memories lanes. (no matter how miserable your childhood, there must be few special memories)

When being a child, you made a mistake or misbehaved because of fear, frustration, anger or anxiety. Later your realized it was your fault. Later you felt scared, you cried, you felt guilt but then adult in your house/school/neighbours responded kindly, gently and helped you to feel better, feel calm.

Try and recall that feeling when someone responded kindly even you misbehaved. Did it ever happen with you?

Anytime? Even if for once?

Bang On.

Learn that way of response when someone misbehave in emotional conflict.

Most of the time we counter-attack because our first reaction is creating hurt inside.

Break that chain. Such reactions create more negative energy and disturb your own aura.

Always try and give feeling of goodness to others when they accidently or in ignorance misbehave.

try that habit even in emotional conflict (because the person with who you are in conflict is your loved one, family member) and Love means understand loved ones.

Help them by responding kindly, gently and help them to feel good, think right. 

then put your point. sometimes we have to let go....it's ok.

Even Big trees bend down when wind is passing by, even in cyclone. it doesn't mean they are weak. it means they know how to survive.

Next moment they stand still happily.

Why can't we do that?

Why do we feel to argue? why do we feel to prove our points all the time?

Why can't we use our own intellect in our favour? why do we become our own enemies just because cyclone?

Focus within rather then focusing on what other’s should do.

We can change only ourselves.

Practice Forgiveness. 



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