Toddler Tantrum: Case study 1.
Typical characteristic of any toddler is their Tantrum. More often parents loose their temper in the process of soothing their toddler or child. Why? What should we do? How should we react? Now, it is very important to understand their frustration and be firm and calm. Why they show Tantrum? when they show Tantrum? Lets do some mind exercise: Understand and accept problem/challenge Tantrums are a normal part of child development. young children show that they 're upset or frustrated. Solution for this problem? Set a goal: So now when we accept it as a phase, we can think 'It is a challenge or lesson we are teaching them 'how to deal with a situation which upset us.' How we can solve this problem or can show them right ways? Now when we are clear in our mind that what we need to deliver as an effective parent we can analyse the situation and can think different ways. Steps: Most of the parents says, to be calm, firm. Ooof, we all k...