
Showing posts from June, 2019

Toddler Tantrum: Case study 1.

Typical characteristic of any toddler is their Tantrum. More often parents loose their temper in the process of soothing their toddler or child. Why? What should we do? How should we react? Now, it is very important to understand their frustration and be firm and calm. Why they show Tantrum? when they show Tantrum? Lets do some mind exercise: Understand and accept problem/challenge Tantrums  are a normal part of child development.  young children  show that they 're upset or frustrated.  Solution for this problem? Set a goal: So now when we accept it as a phase, we can think 'It is a challenge or lesson we are teaching them 'how to deal with a situation which upset us.' How we can solve this problem or can show them right ways? Now when we are clear in our mind that what we need to deliver as an effective parent we can analyse the situation and can think different ways. Steps: Most of the parents says, to be calm, firm. Ooof, we all k...

Ethical Parenting

Most of the times we preach good values to our children, however in this competitive world our focus for academic excellence is upto an extent sometimes knowingly, unknowingly we teach Unethical way of winning. My recent experience about Lego League Jr competition. We group of 5 mums teamup for our kids. Out of curiosity I was searching Robo kit for young kids and I came to know about this competition. I was so happy having idea about play dates with goal in mind for kids. Immediately took initiative and responsibility to lead team. Just within 2 days we had team of 6 kids. Lucky me, I have many good friends nearby. Project topic was Mission Moon: Engineering book and Inspire set kit was designed by Lego. we need to 'GUIDE' kids for brainstorming to building models, explore different ideas to survive on moon, requirement for moon base. motorizing lego model though programming and be ready for final presentation. :) Wow! at the age of 6-9 sounds brilliant expe...

How to set daily routine or good habits in kids?

It was a normal morning. We were kept telling our daughter to have a bath. she was like a normal child behave, Either was not listening or ignoring or arguing. Obviously, morning routine and children's argument is something make us disturb or stress for rest of the day. So now gradually we were losing our patience. I took a pause and thought came in my mind. I said calmly and firmly, Jina is so good, she woke up early today. I am sure she will be a good human being.  My positive affirmation was enough to sooth her argumentative mood that time. I caught the opportunity; can you please explain how can you become a good human darling? She was still upset and carelessly said ‘I don’t know’. So I told her, ‘it’s simple’. Good habits make us a good person. Waking up early in morning, getting ready on time, taking bath daily, meditation for 5 minutes after bath etc are good habits. Isn’t it Jina? I made an eye contact during this very important conversation. It was ma...

Setting life goal for my kids.

Wow, every morning and night I do mental exercise of feeling of gratitude since early childhood. I never had idea its a secret of my inner strength and eternal happiness. This mental habit has eventually shape my mind software in a way which actually experience 'Peace of Mind' most of the time. I am constantly thinking how can I be a great parent? What extra some special parents does? I was directly co-relating my experiences, childhood memories and was in a dilema how can I give such values to my kids? My school management was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi Philosopy. A great leader who introduced highest Ethics in Politics. so Mahatma Gandhi's life values was in my foundation. But million doller question for me here in this country how can I give that to my kids? I consider parenting is a life time project. Strong Foundation is essential for life long success. Like setting highest goal in any role in life, I decided I wants to be a great parent and did lot of research...