
Showing posts from September, 2020

Future: Personalised Education

My 4 year boy today morning in conversation with his daddy. Daddy to V: ‘practice makes men perfect’. V to Daddy: Then what makes women perfect? It sounds funny, and we laughed. But Mother in me, Teacher in me couldn’t stop my self, analysing his way of paying attention to what he listen. My observation was: He is spontaneous, He is confident, He is quick in counter-questioning.  He is brilliant at this age                                     But He pays attention to actual details? NO. he pays attention to literal meaning. Curiosity is different then counter-questioning. There is thin line. Maybe with time, when kids learn to pay attention to meaning of the phrase, they get the real idea behind such saying. Can we actually teach them? Is exam or remembering details can teach that? My mind swings to some real-life examples where in few of them struggle with wisdom vs knowledg...

My First Story Book

#bookpublish   #kidsStorybook Happy to share about my first book 'Majani Shishukathao' is published by Gurjar Prakashan Ahmedabad. proud to share that Gujarat Literature Academy has help me publishing this book. Can't manage book launch in library or with kids but happy to share the joy with friends  :) I shared my first story on my Gujarati blog and from there, well-known writer Lata Hirani has motivated me to keep writing my imagination with kids. It was fun. But book format would have not been possible without her motivation and guidance. I never dreamt to write kids literature, but by God grace it’s a reality now. I am deeply thankful to my kids, my both parents, Latamasi, Gurjar prakashan, Gujarat literature academy & Evidyalay team. 🙏…/…/8193915666

Giving Security Feeling in Behavior Problems-Our moral responsibility

If we see anyone with behavior problems, It means there is unseen or unspoken stress. If we can’t see the reason for their stress or can’t help with root-cause, let us make a habit of reassuring that person that all will be fine, I am always there for you. We always give this secure feeling to our friends or when someone speak their heart in tears. but we do judge our loved ones or relatives, neighbor for their behavior. Especially these days, job stress, covid etc is impacting our mental well-being. On top of that if vitamin deficiency or hormonal changes may make it worse. What can we do? 1)     Let us be friend for all and radiate security feelings for everyone. It is more then enough for anyone who is in stress, feel strength to deal with their stress. 2)     Behavior problems hardly need any advice. They need understanding, unconditional love, acceptance, bit of spiritual practice and security feeling. 3)     Remember: More close relatio...

Powerful Thoughts collection


Rainbow Poop?

My 4 year old pooped. I said she had a stinky poo. She got upset, so I said you can have a rainbow coloured poop that smells awesome, like a unicorn!! Did she want a rainbow coloured poop? Ofcourse she did. I said the only way you get to shit out those colours is when you eat those colours.. Blueberries Green veggies Oranges Purple leaf or purple grapes Etc etc etc ... As they say rest is history. We are waiting for her poop now. -Namarata Singh Abrol (Florida)

What is Ignorance?

 When we are a child, we fear from dark, we fear from ghost even in our own house. We don’t enter into next room until someone/adult come with us or switch on the light for us. But the same room, same darkness we perceive in a totally different way after few years. We understand and agree, there is nothing to fear about in my house. I am safe to go to next room and switch lights ON by my own. That understanding is right knowledge and that fear from dark or ghost is an Ignorance. Similarly we are afraid of strangers in childhood but when we grow up, we develop the skills, how to introduce to strangers, what details we should share and what not? or how to communicate with someone or know about them more. So in both this scenario, with time, age, understanding and experience we react totally different. Ignorance is like that, we fear something which is actually not there. With right knowledge we react totally different in similar situation, In Ignorance the same situation or ...

Being Responsible


Who am I? My mind software

  Who am I? In front of parents, I am a daughter. In front of siblings, I am a sister. In front of husband, I am a wife, In front of in-laws, I am a daughter-in-law, In front of my kids, I am a mother. In front of my friends, I am their friend. In front of employer, I am an employee. In each role, my thoughts, my response, my actions, and reactions changes. I do change every now and then, as per the person in front of me, Then who am I in real? The version I see in mirror also keep on changing with time, age, and dressing. Then who am I in real? Until I remove all the different layers of different roles I am wearing, how can I reveal who am I in real? Until I become my own best friend and enjoy my own company how can I be best version in each roles? When I detach myself from all the roles including relation with my own, Then what is left is real me? Then I can see, and I can feel something about me is …. I am pure soul, infinite energy, infinite kn...

Swami Vivekananda on Education and Character Building

Character building Swami Vivekananda realised three things are necessary to make every man great, every nation great: [20] Conviction of the powers of goodness; Absence of jealousy and suspicion; Helping all who are trying to be and do good. Swami Vivekananda suggested to try to give up jealousy and conceit and learn to work unitedly for others. He told that purity, patience and perseverance overcome all obstacles. He suggested to take courage and work on. Patience and steady work, according to Swami Vivekananda, this is the only way to get success. According to Swami Vivekananda "faith in ourselves and faith in God- this is the secret of greatness. Swami Vivekananda observed the history of the world is the history of a few men who had faith in themselves, and it is faith which calls out divinity within. So he told, if people have faith in three hundred and thirty millions of   Hindu   mythological gods, and in all the gods which foreigners have now and still have no faith in ...